how does nutrition impact mental health?

One word. Inflammation.

Why? Because when inflammation shows up in the body, it can affect many parts of our well being, including our mental health. By restructuring the diet towards inflammation reduction and nutrient density, I often find that the body begins to work alongside the mind in finding restored health.

While changing your dietary habits can be a monumental step in healing, it is not a replacement for prescriptions or therapies that are deemed necessary by medical professionals.

Think of it instead as a supportive partnership. By following the plan developed by your NTP and your other medical professionals, you can support your healing from a whole body perspective.

What about medications?


Mental wellness includes many modalities. Nutritional Therapy can shine as one of those. Using Nutritional Therapy alongside pharmaceutical therapy can be very helpful because many medications create nutritional deficiencies. Nutritional Therapy can help the body get all that it needs, and achieve the long term goals of mental wellness.