TUrning hormone imbalance around.

Let’s begin with these words: it is possible. Whether you are suffering from night sweats, period spotting, uncomfortable PMS, migraines, PCOS, insomnia, low thyroid, or other hormonal symptoms, there is a solution.

Am I ready for the dutch test?

The DUTCH test is one of the most comprehensive hormone tests available. It places you back in the driver’s seat of your own health. Whether you are dealing with symptoms of peri menopause, or are further down the menopause journey, DUTCH can still offer you incredible information that gives you insight into your own body.

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Can I really do this through food?


A healthy system has the power to create, use, and excrete healthy hormones. A compromised system that struggles in any one of these areas will find that it cannot use the hormones optimally.

We’ll work together to optimize detoxification pathways and hormone creation. With meal plans and grocery lists, you will reduce the symptomatic burden on your body, and regain your strength.