• Functional Medicine seeks a health first approach, and does not diagnose pathology. As a functional medicine practitioner, I can help you make sense of blood chemistry, the DUTCH test, and what supplements or food plan might be optimal for you.

    Best for: Those that have been through multiple tests with little or no relief. Ideal for those looking to improve thyroid function, remove toxicity, improve liver health, improve adrenal health, reduce symptoms from chronic conditions.

  • Nutritional Therapy is an approach that is food first, and does not explore lab testing or blood chemistry.

    Best for: Those that are working with a practitioner that is already dealing with labs, and are looking for healing through menu and food options. Ideal for those healing from auto immune conditions, looking to improve mental health, those hoping to minimize hormone symptoms and optimize hormone health, and those that are suffering from various chronic conditions that can be supported through detoxification and nutritional repletion.

  • The DUTCH test uses the metabolites found through the urine to assess how the body is utilizing hormones. The DUTCH test is the gold standard test for understanding how our bodies are able to both create and eliminate hormones.

    Best for: those experiencing hormone related symptoms, or for those moving through various phases of life when hormone change is expected.

    The DUTCH test can be used to understand fertility or other hormone symptoms such as in frequent cycles, heavy bleeding and PMS symptoms. It can be used to chart a strong path through peri menopause and menopause.

  • Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis uses a very small amount of untreated hair from the scalp to provide insight into mineral status and toxic metal load.

    This test helps us provide a unique nutritional menu that will help restore optimal mineral function and cleanse necessary metals.

    Best for: Those suffering from mental health conditions (these are often related to mineral status), hormone conditions, behavioral or emotional distress, and those looking to optimize their nutritional status.

    Note: chelation can have a time and place, but often there are more gentle ways to restore balance and cleanse toxicity.

  • Yes. But I cannot prescribe medications or diagnose pathology.

    I can, however, help you understand how to best support your body’s weaknesses and chart a path to health.

  • That’s OK! The best way to start is by booking a brief and free call, to see if you’d like to work together. In that time, we can assess what is the best path for you - whether you need lab tests or any further testing for success.