“Your body writes the story, and the nutrients are the ink.”

Dani Forbess began her career as a pastor serving small congregations in Belfast, Northern Ireland, Cape Town, South Africa, Los Angeles, CA, and Seattle, WA. But tending to the spirit alone seemed incomplete. She continued to work towards a way to bring more integration between the health and body and the health of the spirit.

Now as a passionate advocate of wellness, she believes that the body is our greatest source of wisdom. There is deep connection between physical and spiritual health.

Her own health journey ranged from childhood asthma, evolving later into anxiety and hypothyroidism, with various chronic viral outbreaks along the way (shingles, Epstein-Barr). As the mother of three children, she was determined to optimize her health for her family life.

Her professional wellness life took her by surprise when she returned back to school to pursue completion of the Nutritional Therapy Practitioner program through the NTA, and then became a Yoga Instructor. She then went on to a Master in Science in Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine. Her own experience as a mother of three and a wife of 26 years, drove her to support the multiple pathways to healing.

Dani founded Salve Healing in January 2021, blending her spiritual background with her commitment to science and healing. “Salve” is the old Latin term for health. It is also the root of the spiritual word, salvation. Dani sees that health and salvation have always been tightly connected, because the health of our body allows the freedom of our spirit. Since 2021, Salve Healing had such growth that it was clear it needed a new name. It is now evolving into Riverwood Wellness with much more to come in 2024. Stay tuned . . .

You can find her researching biochemistry and human physiology, teaching yoga, walking her dogs, tending her kitchen garden, and creating tasty, nutrient dense menus.

Dani is a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, Yoga Instructor, and Functional Medicine Practitioner. She specializes in optimizing mental health, calming auto immune concerns, and supporting hormone healing. She is a firm believer that healing the gut is the first step to whole body healing.

Using various lab tests, including standard blood chemistry, Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis and the DUTCH test, Dani can provide deep insight into your health and offer recommendations for healing. She offers supplement recommendations, meal planning, and bio individual protocols that have been tested and proven.

As a health coach of the Phoenix Rising practice, Dani works with other practitioners and doctors to achieve results for long term healing.